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The following criteria must be met in order to be eligible for an exchange, return, or refund.

  1. Returns must be postmarked within 30 days of the original order date.
  2. Item(s) returned for a refund will incur an 18% restocking fee.
  3. Item(s) must be new, unused and in their original packaging, along with all accessories.
  4. Item(s) must be accompanied by the packing slip generated from the return process noted above.
  5. Item(s) must be returned via a traceable shipping method with delivery confirmation.
  6. All shipping costs must be pre-paid by the party returning the merchandise (i.e. the customer).
  7. Returned items eligible for a refund will be refunded for the cost of the item returned only, minus the 18% restocking fee. We do not refund shipping cost.

PLEASE NOTE: If a return is denied based on the above criteria, we will not notify you, and the item(s) will not be returned to you.

Restock Fees

Item(s) returned for a refund will incur an 18% restocking fee.

Incorrect Addresses and Undeliverable Packages

Packages that are shipped to an incorrect address provided by the customer during the order process may be subject to an additional $14 charge if the address must be changed by the courier to be deliverable.

Orders that have been deemed undeliverable by the courier are subject to a $14 charge. Undeliverable orders include but are not limited to: orders for which the customer provided an incomplete or incorrect address; instances in which the customer is not available for delivery; orders for which the customer fails to provide a P.O. Box or full physical address; and instances where the order is refused by the customer.

Order Issues

If there is a problem with your order, contact customer service within 14 days of the original order date. While we do everything we can to ensure that you receive the product(s) you ordered in the condition you expect, there are unpredictable variables in every shipment. We will do our best to ensure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction, and replacement items will be shipped using the same method as the original order.


The buyer is responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of your order, including sales tax, value added tax, customs duties and excise taxes.

Delivery time

The carrier indicates the approximate date of delivery, sometimes there may be delays in delivery for various reasons, it does not depend on us. Please take this into account when placing an order.